UMTR's Annual Banquet & Awardsfest will open at 5:30pm on Saturday 11/23 at Hope Church in Oakdale, with programming starting at 6:30. Arrive early to participate in the gear swap and grab a good seat for the potluck dinner. If you're joining us this year, please make sure to RSVP so we know you're coming, and let us know if you plan to bring something for the potluck.
The evening will begin with our Annual Meeting, where we'll report on our impact this year, review the results of our member survey and share a plan of action and elect new board members. Then, we'll move right into the presentation of awards for Trail Person and Trail Runner of the Year, and winners of our Trail, Ultra, and Gnarly Bandits series!
This year's special guest is Jeff Berg, a UMTR member and creator of The Ultra Pickle Project, a film exploring the motivations of ultra runners and the amazing community surrounding them here in the Upper Midwest. Jeff will be showing some never-before-seen footage that didn't make the final cut, and sharing lessons learned in creating his film. You don't want to miss this!
And, of course, what would the banquet be without DOOR PRIZES!? We've got some really good ones this year. Discounted races, free races, and guaranteed entries! Plus swag from some iconic races and top running shops. We'll be giving away prizes at the end of the evening, so don't plan on skipping out early!